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Body Shop
Body Shop


Soaps $5 for 100g. orange, strawberry. rose $6. moringa. coconut, mango


$6 for 50 ml, or $21 for 200ml. bit expensive. promotion on now $21 for 200ml body butter and 250ml shower gel. Scents: strawberry, mango, coconut, moringa, green tea, satsuma, grapefruit, argan
body cream - higher end line. 350gm/ml for $36 (japanese camellia).


mango bath & body duo - $21 yogurt 200ml, bath blend 250ml (bubble bath).
black musk body lotion 250ml/$16.
moringa body milk - 250ml $15

trio body butter 50 ml each rose, strawberry, shea for $15. save $3.
valentines: strawberry shower gel 60ml, body butter 50 ml, lip butter 10 ml $15


body yogurt: british rose or almond honey - 200 ml $16.


10 ML/ $6.00. New for august 2021.