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Essence of Life Organics
Essence of Life Organics

esssence of life
Next time we go to Kensington (spring 2021) we are going here. We will get a few of the $2 soaps. and we will also go to Noahs natural foods to get 3 lip balms, $5 each. Probably will spend $10 on these soaps.

Noahs is at adelaide and spadina, and bloor and spadina. and yonge bloor (charles)
Health food store
Address: 50 Kensington Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 2K1

Guelph Soap Company Patchouli Bar Soap $2/90g

$20.99 / 30ml NOW Essential Oils Patchouli Oil
$12.49 / 15ml Aromaforce Essential Oil Ylang Ylang 15mL

Guelph Soap Company Eucalyptus & Mint Bar Soap

ss: dr bronners, natures aid, burts bees.
4 natural foods: dr bronners only.
xs lg