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Old wishlist:

as of march 2021:

Soaps: karma $8, rhubarb and custard $8, figs and leaves $8, goddess $11

massage bars: pearl jam, sleep, ginger.

shower gel: LOM, american cream

Lotion: sleepy, charity pot.

Body conditioners: Ro's argan (naked/reg), coco loco, minamosa

Bath melt: Ceridwen's Cauldron

Lip Balm:Rose Lollipop, Honey Trap, Key Lime Pie

worth trying - in store or samples: Massage bar: soft couer
Hand Lotion: Handy Gurugu

Lotion: Sympathy for the Skin

Myrrh: Gorgeous - moisturizer, Light Touch - facial oil

Rosewood: Beauty Balm- Magical Moringa, lemon zest soap $8

sandalwood; movis - face soap

Soap: outback mate $7, Honey I Washed The Kids $8, Sultana Of Soap $7

Deodorant: Aromaco, teo

Beard And Facial Wash: Kalamazoo

Hair treatment: Revive, Jasmine And Henna

Solid perfume: Lust, Dirty, BOG, LOM, Goddess, Rentless, Rose Jam, American Cream
as of march 30 2021:

Soaps: karma $8, rhubarb and custard $8(not in store?), figs and leaves $8,

massage bars: pearl jam, sleep, ginger.

Lotion: sleepy, charity pot.

Body conditioners: Ro's argan (naked/reg),

Bath melt: Ceridwen's Cauldron

Lip Balm:Rose Lollipop, Honey Trap, Key Lime Pie

Solid perfume: Karma(sold out mar 30), Lust, Dirty, BOG, LOM, Goddess(sold out mar 30), Rentless(sold out mar 30), Rose Jam(sold out mar 30), American Cream
Fun Aliens And Monsters $11/200g

worth trying - in store or samples:
Massage bar: soft couer

Hand Lotion: Handy Gurugu

Lotion: Sympathy for the Skin

Rosewood: Beauty Balm- Magical Moringa, lemon zest soap $8

sandalwood; movis - face soap

Soap: outback mate $7, Honey I Washed The Kids $8, Sultana Of Soap $7(not in store?), goddess $11, muddy carrots, sleepy