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Laundry With Lush

Lush stuff doesn't just smell great on you did you know you can use it as a laundry aid? obviously your not-going to throw a bar of karma in the washing machine, but for special clothes, you can give them special treatment! #LushForLaundry

(wash sock by hand, conidiotn with american cream conditoner)

(spray karma perfume on ironed sheets before folding. apply liberally, fold and put away.)

(grate and 1/8th of a hair conditioner bar into freshly boiled water. stir until dissolved, then use during the last rinse cycle as a fabric softener.)

(the best way to wash a merino sweater is to wear it int he shower and rub the whoel thing with avocado Co Wash. Its not much different than your hair and sheeps hair)

(i was my favourite underwar with sleepy soap.)

(Leather cleaner:mix 10 parts evening primrose oil with 10 parts lecitihin, add 1 part of karma perfume. apply to leather and place out of the sun somewhere between 90-100 F and cover with plastic. after 24 hours brush away the dirt that will have risen to the top.)

(Finishing oil:mix 10 parts evening primrose oil with 10 parts lecitihin, add 2 parts of karma perfume. apply to leather wait 2 hours and brush off any excess. Repeat a second time. this will make even old hard leather soft again and it will smell fantastic!)

well, these are all things i found so far if you have any comments or suggestions, send me a message @