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Baby Blue Hubbard

Baby Blue Hubbard

Cucurbita maxima

Developed in 1953 by the University of New Hampshire, this hubbard shaped fruit has fine-grained, yellow-flesh. While sweet and of excellent culinary quality, it's shape and color is very pleasing to the eye. Fruits are 2-3 kgs.

Hubbards are all full-flavoured, sweet, usually moist and ‘buttery’ in texture. Some varieties are a bit drier (e.g. blue/grey hubbard) and some are moister (e.g. green hubbard, and all the orange ones). The original variety of Hubbard squash is native to South America. The Hubbard squash is thought to have been grown in New England since the 1830's and sold commercially since 1909.

Blue Kuri
Native to Japan. Fruits with light green epidermis are rounded, flattened, and weigh 1 to 1.5 kg. The flesh is thick orange, fine-grained, a little floury and excellent. Also suitable for making jams. Growth: 120-130 days.

Tokyo Blue Squash
Nicknamed aromatherapy chestnut pumpkin for its incredible sweetly scented flesh, this traditional variety was so popular in Tokyo that it is known throughout Japan simply as the Tokyo pumpkin. Originally introduced by a farmer in Tachiwa City, Tokyo, it became a popular market variety thanks to early maturity, attractive blue skin and an exceptionally fine grained, aromatic, bright yellow flesh. Seeds were first made available by Watanbe Seeds of the Miyagi prefecture in 1931, and Tokyo markets were quickly filled with these signature scented squash. The virtues that made this an exemplary market variety of pre WWII Japan, from early maturity to exceptional eating quality, are exactly what makes a fantastic farmers market variety in today’s slow food renaissance. 120 days.

Baby blue hubbard, red kuri and golden nugget

(L-R) White swan, delicata, baby blue hubbard, acorn, golden nugget

Tokyo Blue

Tokyo Blue

Tokyo Blue