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Hungarian Blue
Hungarian Blue

Cucurbita maxima

This very rare European heirloom yields squat jack o' lantern type fruits in a ghostly, pale blue-gray. The fine-textured, mild-tasting fruits are lightly ribbed and range from 6 to 20 pounds. Originally called “Nagydobosy sütotok” in it's native Hungary.

Moravka Squash may be a variety of this squash. Moravka, named after the place it's from in Czech Republic, is a medium sized white pumpkin.


Kiszombori, an Hungrian breed, and probably related with Bleu de Hongrie. The name means "little of Zombor". Zombor can refer to: Zombor (Зомбор), a Hungarian and Rusyn name for Sombor, a city in Serbia. Zombor, a village in Slovakia. Fruit: regularly round, clearly longer than broad; Size (DxH): 20 - 25 cm x 28 - 35 cm; Flesh: yellow to deep yellow-orange; thick, solid, fine granulated, sweet, good quality;
Vine behaviour: Large vine; Usage-Recommendation: Soup, Puree, Oven, Steam, Deep-Fry; Storage time: ++++; Weight: 5.0 kg - 7.0 kg; Maturity: 110 days

Hungarian Blue

Hungarian Blue

Hungarian Blue

Hungarian Blue

Hungarian Blue

Hungarian Blue

