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The fruits have a rounded and flattened shape and are brownish-gray with some salmon towards the peduncle. The texture is beautiful and the flavor is excellent. Each plant can carry from 4 to 6 fruits up to 3 kg each. Maturity: 90 days. This variety is native to Brazil was discovered in the 1980's in Brazil by American seed collector Mary Schultz. Stores well as long as the stem is allowed to dry off correctly.
Volskaya Grey
This new squash from the Volga region of Russia is a large (10 kg or so) mid-season blue-grey squash that gains a pink blush in storage. This strain is maintained by Tom Hartley, who has produced a batch of really plump & vigorous seed. Original squash found by Tom Hartley's mother in Russia. Does well in the UK.
Small sized grey for storing.
A superb example of open-pollinated breeding in the old Soviet Union. Bred to be dry-farmed by the Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the fruits are very thick-fleshed, and reach a workable 4-10 lbs. Attractive fruits are flattened, sometimes slightly segmented, of gray or light gray color; some having pale pink spots. Bylinka has documented disease resistance (anthracnose and powdery mildew). Our grower reports excellent production. Stores for a long time, up to March at 15 � C. Very uniform with a reliable yield for an open pollinated variety of this type. 100 days.
Loche du Perou
Fruit: beige / brown, flat-round, sometimes somewhat oblong; Fruit size (DxH): 20 x 13 cm, the largest reached 35 cm in diameter; Flesh: dark orange, dry, sweet; Recommended use: roast / grill , oven , for steaming , salad / dip , deep frying. Storage time: ++++
Plant: climbing; Weight: 3.0 kg - 5.0 kg. Ripening time: 120 days
Mayo Blusher
The large, white to light green fruits are round to elongated in shape and blush pink when fully ripe. The apricot colored flesh has a wonderful sweet flavor and good firm texture. Good keepers. Very prolific variety for low desert, hot gardens. It was a staff favorite when grown at the early NS/S location on NY Drive in Tucson. It would even grow into the street.