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Courge du Perou
Courge du Perou

Cucurbita maxima

Courge du Perou

Courge du Perou, or squash of Peru is a South American variety. Plant: vine; Fruits: egg-like, dark green, smooth skin; cream; Size (DxH): 30-40 x 40-50 cm; Flesh: yellow to light orange; very thick, dry, finely grained, good quality; Usage-Recommendation: Soup, Puree, Oven, Steam, Deep-Fry. Storage time: +++ Weight: 10.0 kg - 15.0 kg Maturity: 110 days

Courge du Perou

Courge du Perou

Courge du Perou

Courge du Perou

Courge du Perou