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Mellow Yellow
Mellow Yellow

(F1) New, unique yellow jack. Something new and different in the 20-lb. class. Uniform in shape and size, Mellow Yellow is blocky-round, avg. 18-22 lb. with a strong green handle. Excellent powdery mildew resistance and solid field performance. Avg. yield: 1-2 fruits/plant. Avg. 2,500 seeds/lb. Days To Maturity: 95 Days

This early maturing lemon-yellow pumpkin is especially eye-catching when paired with white and orange pumpkins in market displays. The 12-16 lb. round fruit have nice ribbing and a strong straight stem, while the vines offer intermediate resistance to Powdery Mildew.


Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches Germination days: 6 - 12 days Maturation days: 100 days

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