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Linnaeus, 1742 - Genera Plantarum
Linnaeus, 1742 - Genera Plantarum

Carl von LinnéJanuary 1, 1742
Apud C. Wishoff et G.J. Wishoff
p 468 (gbook:337) Cucurbita

CUCURBITA *. tournes. 36. Pepo Tournes. 33. Melopepo Tournes. 34.
Mafculi Flores.
CAL. Perianthium monophyllum, campanulatum , margine terminațo fetis quinque, fubulatis.
COR. quinquefariam divifa, calyci adnata, campanulata: laciniis venofo - rugofis.
Nectarium Glandula in centro floris, concava, triangularis.
STAM. Filamenta tria, conniventia, fuperne connexa, inferne diftinćta, calyci adnata. Anthera reptatrices furfum deorfumque, lineares.
*. Feminei Flores.
CAL. Perianthium ut in mare, deciduum.
COR. ut in mare.
Nectarifera glandula concava, patens.
STAM. Margo cingens, in tres cuspides breviffimas definens.
Pist. Germen magnum, infra receptaculum fioris. Stylus conicus, apice trifidus. Stigma unicum; margine craffo, convexo; furfum deorſumque repens, trifidum.
PER. Pomum triloculare: loculis membranaceis, mollibus, diftinćtis.
SEM. plurima, compreſſa, tumida, obtufa, gemino ordine pufita.
OBS. Cucurbita T. seminibus emarginatis.
Pepo T. seminibus margine tumido cinctus.


Cucurbita. tournes. 36. Pepo Toumes. 33. Melopepo Toumes. 34.  
Male flowers.  
CAL. Penanthium monophyllum, campanulatum, limited margin for five brushes, subulatis.  
COR. five completely divided, as calyx attached campanu, venous fringes - wrinkled.
  Neclarium gland in the center of the flower is a hollow, triangular.
Stamm. , The filaments of the three, blind eye, the upper part connected with one another, inserne a distinct thing, as long as calyx adnate. Anther reptatrices up and down, linear.
. Female flowers.  
CAL. Penanthium to the sea, ready to drop.
COR. to the sea.  
Nectarifera gland concave fifth.
Stamm. The margin around the three points short definen.  
Pist. A branch of a great, further on the receptacle of the Fiori. Style conical tip trifidus. Stigma only; margin thick, with the convex; up and down crawling forked.  
PER. Triloculare apple, with membranous bag, soft, distinct.  
SEM. lips compressed, swollen, obtuse, with a double order of pusita.
OBS. Pumpkin T  
emarginate seeds.  
Pumpkin T seeds surrounded by a swollen margin.
GBook | Gen. Plant.
p 310
1091. CUCURBITA. MALE. Cal. 5-tooth'd.
Cor. 5-cleft. Filaments 3.
FEM. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cor. 5-cleft.
Pijtil 5-cleft. Seeds of the Pome with a tumid margin. Gouard.
-Linnaeus | System of Vegetables