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Sugar:The Bitter Truth
Sugar:The Bitter Truth

20:44 None the less, here's Center for the Science
20:46 and Public Interest and the Corn Refiners Association.
20:49 Everybody remember last year, when Gavin Newsom
20:51 floated his soda tax, last February?
20:55 Governor Patterson of New York has since floated one.
20:58 And other people are starting to talk about it.
21:00 So, why are they saying this?
21:01 Well, they're saying obesity's a problem,
21:03 kids are drinking soda, let's tax it.
21:06 So they're talking about soda like it's empty calories.
21:10 I'm here to tell you that it goes way beyond empty calories.
21:14 The reason why this is a problem is because
21:17 fructose is a poison, it's not about the calories.
21:22 It has nothing to do with the calories.
21:25 It's a poison by itself, and I'm gonna show you that.
21:28 Nonetheless, I just wanna read you
21:30 this paragraph here in yellow.
21:33 "We respectfully urge that the proposal
21:34 "be revised as soon as possible to reflect
21:37 "the scientific evidence that demonstrates
21:38 "no material differences in the health effects
21:40 "of high fructose corn syrup and sugar."
21:43 I agree.
21:44 Here's the important sentence.
21:46 "The real issue is that excessive consumption
21:48 "of any sugars may lead to health problems."
21:51 I agree, that's exactly right.
21:54 Not may, does, does.
21:58 So, here's the secular trend in
22:00 fructose consumption over the past 100 years.
22:03 Before we had food processing, we used to
22:06 get our fructose from fruits and vegetables,
22:08 and if we did that today, we would consume
22:11 about 15 grams per day of fructose.
22:15 Not sugar, fructose.
22:16 So sugar would be 30 grams, it'd be double.
22:19 We're just talking about fructose, today.
22:22 Prior to World War II, before it got rationed again,
22:26 we were up to about 16 to 24, about 20 grams.
22:29 So, a small increase from the beginning
22:32 of the century to World War II.
22:35 Then, in 1977, just as high fructose corn syrup
22:38 was hitting the market, we had increased that,
22:41 we had, basically, doubled up to 37 grams per day,
22:44 or 8% of total caloric intake.
22:47 By 1994 we were up to 55 grams of the stuff per day.
22:51 Remember, if you wanna do sugar, then double the number.
22:54 So, that's 10.2, so you can see that more and more
22:58 of our caloric intake, a higher percentage
23:00 is being accounted for by sugar every single year.
23:04 So, it's not just that we're eating more.
23:07 We're eating more sugar.
23:10 And for adolescents today, up to almost 75 grams,
23:14 12% of total caloric intake.
23:16 25% of the adolescents today consume
23:21 at least 15% of their calories from fructose alone.
23:25 This is a disaster, an absolute unmitigated disaster.
23:29 The fat's going down, the sugar's going up,
23:33 and we're all getting sick.
23:35 Now let me show you why.
23:39 How'd this happen?
23:41 Why'd it happen?
23:42 So, this is where the politics comes in.
23:45 This is the perfect storm,
23:47 and it was created from three political winds
23:49 that swirled around all at the same time
23:51 to create this perfect storm.
23:54 So, the first political wind,
23:57 everything bad that ever happened
23:59 in this country started with one man.
24:01 (audience laughs)
24:05 And it's still being felt today.
24:08 So, Richard Nixon, in his paranoia back in 1972,
24:13 food prices were going up and down, and up and down.
24:16 I'm gonna show you that on the next slide.
24:17 And he was worried that this was
24:19 actually gonna cost him the election.
24:20 So, he admonished his Secretary of Agriculture,
24:24Earl Rusty Butz, I love that name,
24:28to basically take food off the political table,
24:33to make food a non-issue in presidential elections.
24:37Well, the only way to do that was to make food cheap.
24:41So, he was out to find all methods
24:44to be able to decrease the price of food.
24:46Remember Nixon's war on poverty?
24:49We're suffering from it today.
24:51That's what this is.
24:54Second political wind, the advent
24:56of high fructose corn syrup.
24:57So, this was invented in 1966 at Saga Medical School
25:01in Japan, by a guy named Takasaki, who's still alive.
25:04As far as I'm concerned, this stuff
25:06is Japan's revenge for World War II,
25:09except, of course, that they're suffering
25:10from it now, themselves.
25:13Like everything, it always comes back to haunt you.
25:16And it was introduced to the American Market in 1975.
25:19So, what do you think happened
25:20to the price of sugar when this thing hit the market?
25:24Here's what happened.
25:26So, here's the US producer price index of sugar
25:29going up and down, and up and down.
25:31This is not good.
25:34Stability is at 100%, if it stays nice and stable
25:37at 100%, that's what you want if you're a politician.
25:41Up and down, here's where corn sweeteners
25:44entered the market, 1975, 1980.
25:47And you can see that since then the price
25:48of sugar has remained remarkably constant.
25:51And it did so, not just in the US,
25:53but also on the international stage.
25:55Here's the London price doing the same thing.
25:57And when you look at the difference in price
25:59between sugar and high fructose corn syrup,
26:03you can see that high fructose corn syrup's
26:05about half the price.
26:07So, in other words, it's cheap.
26:09So, high fructose corn syrup is evil.
26:11But it's not evil because it's metabolically evil.
26:14It's evil because it's economically evil.
26:17Because it's so cheap that it's
26:19found it's way into everything.
26:22It's found it's way into hamburger buns,
26:25pretzels, barbecue sauce, and ketchup, almost everything.
26:30Somebody emailed me the other day
26:32and told me they went into their local grocery store
26:34and went through every single loaf of bread
26:37on the shelf, and out of 32 types of bread
26:42on the shelf, only one of them did not
26:44have high fructose corn syrup in it.
26:47So, we are being poisoned by this stuff,
26:50and it's been added surreptitiously
26:52to all of our food, every processed food.
26:55The question is why?
26:57Well, you'll see why in a minute.
27:00So, the corn refiners like to point out,
27:02"Well, you know, it's just been a substitution.
27:06"As the high fructose corn syrup's gone up,
27:07:the sugar's gone down.
27:09"You know, we're just replacing, like gram for gram."
27:13Well, not exactly, because here's
27:1573 pounds of sugar per year.
27:18This is from the Economic Research Service
27:20of the US Department of Agriculture.
27:22So disappearance data.
27:2373 pounds, up to 95 pounds by 2000.
27:29And there's something missing from this slide.
27:32Anybody wanna tell me what it is?
27:33What's missing?
27:36Juice, juice is missing.
27:38'Cause juice is sucrose, right, sugar.
27:41And juice causes obesity.
27:44So this is a study done by Myles Faith,
27:46a prospective study in inner city Harlem toddlers.
27:49And the number of juice servings per day
27:53predicts the change in BMI score per month
27:56in these inner city Harlem toddlers.
27:58Now, where do these inner city
28:00Harlem toddlers get their juice?
28:03From what, from where, from whom?
28:08From WIC.
28:11Anybody heard of WIC?
28:12You know what WIC is?
28:13Women Infants Children, right?
28:15A government entitlement program set up under who?
28:20Nixon, to prevent failure to thrive.
28:23They did.
28:27This is the equal and opposite reaction.
28:31So, let's add juice in, here it is.
28:33So, most fructose items when you put it together,
28:35now we're up to 113 pounds on this graph,
28:38and I just heard from Brian Williams,
28:39of NBC News, after the most recent study came out,
28:44that was in the Journal of Clinical Investigation,
28:46that we are actually up to 141 pounds of sugar per year.
28:50Each of us.
28:51That's what we're up to.
28:51141 pounds of sugar per year.
28:54Now, do you think that this might
28:58have some detrimental effects on you?
29:04Hasn't stopped you, has it?
29:06That's the point, it hasn't stopped you.
29:08That's why we need to talk about this.
29:11So, juice consumption increases
29:13the risk for Type 2 diabetes.
29:15So this is the relative risk ratio
29:17as juice intake goes up, and this is in the Nurse's Study.
29:20Showing again, juice consumption,
29:23sucrose, obesity, diabetes.
29:26Okay, the third political storm, that's swirling around
29:30to create this disaster, this mega-typhoon,
29:35that thing that happened in 1982,
29:38the USDA, the American Hearth Association,
29:40the American Medical Association,
29:41all telling us we had to reduce our consumption of fat.
29:46Now, why did they tell us that?
29:49To stop what?
29:51To stop hear disease.
29:52Did we?
29:54No, we didn't, did we?
29:56In fact, it's worked the exact opposite.
29:58We've only created more.
30:01So, now how did this come to be?
30:03Why did they tell us to stop eating fat?
30:06Well, in the early 1970s we discovered
30:09something in our blood called LDL,
30:12low-density lipoproteins.
30:13You've heard of that, right?
30:15Is it good or bad?
30:16- [Audience Member] Bad.
30:17- Not so bad, we'll talk about it.
30:19In the mid 1970s we learned that
30:21dietary fat raised your LDL.
30:24So, if dietary fat is A, and LDL is B,
30:27we learned that A lead to B.
30:29Dietary fat definitely increases your LDL,
30:32no argument, it's true.
30:34And then, finally, in the late 1970s we learned
30:37that LDL correlated with cardiovascular disease.
30:41So let's call cardiovascular disease C.
30:44So we learned that B lead to C.
30:47So, the thought process by some
30:50very smart nutritionists, et cetera,
30:53the USDA et cetera, said,
30:55"Well if A leads to B, and B leads to C
30:57"then A must lead to C, therefore, no A, no C."
31:01This was the logic.
31:02Now, any logicians in the room?
31:05Anybody see any problems with that logic?
31:10Go ahead.
31:11(speaking away from microphone)
31:13- That's right, the premise is incorrect.
31:15And I'll tell you why the premise is incorrect.
31:17Because this suggests that this is all transitive.
31:21But, in fact, only the contrapositive is transitive.
31:24So, it's not no A, no C, it's no C, no A.
31:28So, the logic isn't even right.
31:30There's faulty logic here.
31:32So, this doesn't work on any level.
31:35So, I'm gonna show you why this doesn't work.
31:39But, before I how you why it doesn't work,
31:40I'm gonna show you that this was
31:42a battle royal back in the 1970s.
31:45This was not a simple thing.
31:47There were people lined up on both sides of this story.
31:51So, this, over here, is a book, 1972 it came out,
31:56and it was called Pure White and Deadly.
31:59It's all about sugar.
32:00Written by a British physiologist,
32:02nutritionist, endocrinologist,
32:03by the name of John Yudkin.
32:05Now, I never knew John Yudkin he's passed away.
32:08But, I read this book about a year ago.
32:12And without even knowing it, I was a Yudkin acolyte.
32:16I was a Yudkin disciple.
32:17Every single thing that this man said
32:20in 1972 is the God's honest truth.
32:25And if you wanna read a true prophecy, you find this book.
32:29It's not easy to find, but you go find this book.
32:31And I'm telling you, every single thing
32:34this guy said has come to pass.
32:36It's astounding, I am in awe of this guy.
32:40But on the other side we had this guy over here.
32:43His name was Ancel Keys.
32:45Anybody heard of him?
32:47So, Ancel Keys was a Minnesota epidemiologist,
32:51very interested in the cause of cardiovascular disease.
32:53And he performed the first multivariate
32:57regression analysis without computers.
33:00Now, anybody know what that means?
33:02Multivariate regression analysis?
33:04So, this is where you take a whole lot of data,
33:06and normally you would just run a few computer programs,
33:09but basically, the object is to try
33:11to figure out what causes what,
33:13and to try to factor out other things
33:15and determine what the contribution
33:17of various things all at once are
33:19to an outcome that you're looking for.
33:21So, he was interested in cardiovascular disease.
33:24So, what he did was he did this study,
33:27along with other people around the world,
33:28called the Seven Countries Study.
33:31Very famous, front page of Time Magazine in 1980.
33:36So, here's the data on the Seven Country Study.
33:39So, we have the US, Canada, Australia,
33:42England and Wales, Italy, Japan.
33:44And here's percent calories from fat on the x axis,
33:48and here we have coronary disease death rate on the y axis.
33:51And so you'd say, "Oh, look at that."
33:53I mean, it's very obvious, isn't it.
33:55Sure, percent calories from fat
33:57correlates very nicely with coronary disease, right?
34:00Except for one little problem.
34:02Anybody see it?
34:06Japan and Italy?
34:08So, how much sugar do they eat?
34:10Didn't I tell you the Japanese diet eliminates fructose?
34:13They never even had it 'til
34:14we brought it to them after World War II.
34:17Italy, aside from gelato, I mean what else they got?
34:23They got a lot of pasta,
34:24there's a lot of glucose, but no fructose.
34:26There's no sugar in the Italian diet
34:29other than the occasional sweet, which they moderate.
34:32They're very careful about moderating, and they cost a lot.
34:35But, here we got England, Wales, Canada, Australia, US,
34:38you know, we are sugarholics, aren't we?
34:40We're also fataholics.
34:42So, in fact, the fat migrated with the sugar.
34:44So, here's, this is from Keys's own work.
34:48Page 262, if you wanna pick up the 500 page volume.
34:52And I'm just gonna read you the
34:53one paragraph that talks about this.
34:56The fact that the incidence rate
34:58of coronary heart disease was significantly correlated
35:00with the average percentage of calories
35:02from sucrose in the diet, is explained by
35:04the intercorrelation of sucrose with saturated fat.
35:09In other words, donuts.
35:13Where ever there was the fat, there was sucrose too.
35:16Because these guys here eat donuts.
35:21(audience laughs)
35:22Partial correlation analysis show
35:24that with saturated fat constant,
35:25there was no significant correlation
35:27between dietary sucrose and the incidence
35:28of coronary heart disease.
35:31Okay, when you do a multivariate linear regression analysis,
35:34you have to do it both ways.
35:37You have to do holding fat constant
35:41showing the sucrose doesn't work,
35:42and then you have to hold sucrose constant
35:44and who that fat still works.
35:46You see that anywhere?
35:48He didn't do it, he didn't do it.
35:52He didn't do the thing that you need to do
35:55to do a multivariate linear regression analysis.
35:57Now, this was done before computers.
36:00We can't check the work.
36:02He's dead, he died in 2004.
36:05So, we're left with a conundrum.
36:08Do we believe this?
36:10Do we believe this study, because we based
36:1330 years of nutrition education, and information,
36:17and policy in this country on this study.
36:22And, as far as I'm concerned, it has a hole
36:24as big as the one in the USS Cole,
36:29all right, you got it?
36:31Everybody, am I debunking, yes, no?
36:35Let's keep going.
36:37Remember, I told you LDL may be not so bad?
36:40Well, here's why.
36:41Because there really isn't one LDL, there are two.
36:46There are two LDLs.
36:47Here's one over here, it's called
36:49pattern A or large buoyant LDL.
36:53So, everybody knows that LDL correlates
36:55with cardiovascular disease, and that's true.
36:57I'm not gonna argue that, that is true.
36:59But, it's not this one, pattern A LDL.
37:03These guys are so light, they are buoyant, they float.
37:08So, they get carried through the bloodstream,
37:09and they don't even have a chance,
37:11because they're so big and they're so buoyant,
37:13they don't even get underneath the edge
37:15of the endothelial cells in the vasculature
37:18to start the plaque formation process.
37:21But, over here we have this other guy, over here,
37:22called pattern B or small dense LDL.
37:25You see the difference?
37:26These guys are dense.
37:28These guys don't float.
37:30These guys are small, they get underneath
37:32the edge of the surface of the surface
37:34of the endothelial cells,
37:35and they start the plaque formation.
37:36And it's been shown by numerous investigators now,
37:39the dense LDL is the bad guy.
37:42Okay, now, when we measure LDL in the bloodstream,
37:44when you do a lipid profile,
37:46you measure both of them together,
37:48because it's too hard to distinguish the two.
37:51So, when you get an LDL, you're getting both LDLs.
37:55The neutral one and the bad one.
37:58Now, how can you tell whether your LDL
38:01is the neutral one or the bad one.
38:04What you do is you look at your triglycerides level
38:07in association with it, 'cause your triglycerides
38:09tell you which one it is.
38:11So here, here's pattern A over here,
38:13big large buoyant LDLs, and you'll notice 38:17 that the triglycerides are low, and your HDL is high.
38:22 That's what you want, you want a low triglyceride,
38:23 high HDL, 'cause that's the good cholesterol.
38:26 You want high good cholesterol.
38:28 Over here, you have pattern B.
38:29 And here you have high triglyceride, low HDL.
38:32 That's the bad guy, that's the guy you don't wanna be.
38:34 'Cause you're gonna die of a heart attack.
38:37 No question about it.
38:38 Triglyceride to HDL ratio actually predicts
38:40 cardiovascular disease way better than LDL ever did.
38:45 Point is, when you measure LDL, you measure both.
38:49 So, dietary fat raises your large buoyant.
38:54 What do you think raises your small dense?
38:59 Carbohydrate.
39:00 Okay, so here's percent carbohydrate,
39:02 and here's your pattern B going up.
39:04 Everybody got it?
39:05 So what did we do?
39:07 What did we do in 1982?
39:09 (speaking away from microphone)
39:12 What did we do?
39:13 We went on a high carb diet, which was
39:16 supposed to be a low fat diet, right?
39:19 So, here's the low fat craze.
39:22 Took America and the world by storm.
39:25 Because the content of low fat
39:27 home cooked food, that you cook by yourself,
39:29 in your house, you can control the content of fat.
39:33 But when you process it, low fat processed food,
39:38 it tastes like cardboard.
39:40 It tastes like (bleep).
39:44 So the food companies knew that, so what'd they do?
39:47 They had to make it palatable?
39:49 So, how do you make something
39:49 palatable that has no fat in it?
39:51 You add the, sugar.
39:54 So, everybody remember Snackwells?
39:57 Two grams of fat down, 13 grams of carbohydrate up,
40:01 four of them being sugar, so that it was palatable.
40:05 Well, we've just shown you that
40:06 that's the worst thing you could do.
40:09 And that's what we've done.
40:10 And we're still doing it, today.

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