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C Water
C Water

Getting around Toronto is physically exhausting, whether you are walking, taking transit, cycling or driving; there's hours spent navigating and waiting. Add on that traffic jams, long waits while standing up on the bus and carrying a knapsack or groceries.

It can feel like a workout.

Temperatures can exhaust us too. Heat and sun causes heatstroke, the simple act of travelling with 1 bag to get home in the summer can end up in overexertion.

Extreme cold kills fellow Torontonians each year. It takes more calories to stay warm in cold weather.

What does an athlete do after a work out?

On top of all the transit issues of a commute, there's germs. They're everywhere. strep, flu and more. You can catch the virus any minute your out there, and maybe halfway on your wolk to the store you start to feel your throat is getting sore. Mucuos starts building up. You can tell you're getting something.

If you continued to the store and then returned home and had a usual dinner and night. You'd likely be even more sic the next day.

Instead, what we would do is at the minute we feel a sore throat, or a cough, or snotty nose starting, take ascorbic acid right away. What happens is at the moment of prolonged exertion of walking to the store in the cold the body is working as hard as it has all day and so using more energy than it has all day. We replenish this energy by taking antioxidants at these moments of extreme exertion.

Athletes take supplements after a work out.

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