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- need 3rd person. 5,000-75000
-under 30
-A $4,000 paid contract to complete a media arts project
-under 30
ArtReach supports community-based arts programming led by youth artists and youth-led groups/ organizations/ collectives.

REMINDER: Our submissions are OPEN. Our editorial team is loving reading all your submissions, but we’re far from finished receiving them. Send us your written work by December 31st and your visual work by February 14th for the chance to be in our 31st edition of ROPES. #ROPES2023 #submissions

Accessible Digital Books – Support for Organizations New! The application intake for 2023-2024 projects will close on November 10, 2022.
-only for charities who support artists: lisa, jegger.
- 1-2 references.
- 3-5 links that best highlight your work.
-The Remix Project Creative Arts 2023 Application - Round 18
-art in the parks

Apply for Funding We support programs that provide emerging artists with mentorship, apprenticeships and exposure to new and diverse audiences throughout their career. Need support for your program? Applications for RBC Emerging Artists Project grants are accepted year-round.
Guidelines & Eligibility Apply for Donations Submit a Sponsorship Request

Youth in Culture Pilot Program City of Ottawa must be under 30

Remember me, buy my shirts!
pop art MBZ