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Chocolate Shepherd
Chocolate Shepherd

Shepherd Peppers are huge, big sweet red peppers — very much like standard sweet red bell peppers in taste, thickness and colour, but somewhat juicier, and because of their size very easy to work with. cooksinfo

Super Shepherd
Ease of GrowingModerate
Grown asAnnual
Days to Maturity66 (Spring/Summer)
Growing HabitBush
HardinessVery Tender
CropsSpring Transplant
Growing SeasonShort, Long
Cultivar TypeEarly
Growing ConditionsWarm, Hot
Outdoor Growing Temp60°F - 95°F
Min Outdoor Soil Temp65°F
Start IndoorsYes
Start OutdoorsNo
LightSun: min. 6 hours daily (Warm, Hot)
SuitabilityNeeds summer shade
Small Gardens?Yes
Attracts beneficial insects?No
ColorGreen > Red-Brown > Red
Fruit Size5.0-7.0"
Plant Height18.0-24.0"
Plant Diameter24.0-30.0"
Hardiness Zone4-12
Disease Resistance
Taste Profile: Thick, juicy flesh good fresh, fried or pickled.

Super Shepherd Sweet Pepper
66 days. (green > red- brown > red) This Italian sweet pepper is one of our most productive and versatile varieties. Early yields of high quality, defect-free fruits. Thick, juicy flesh good fresh, fried or pickled. 3-4 lobed fruits average 2 x 4 in. long. Tall, vigorous plants.

Sweet Chocolate Pepper
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