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World Tours

April in Paris
Chanel, ysl. Truffles
Monet's garden.

Italy in may - Florence, Venice.
Perfume library.
Murano Glass, tomatoes. Silk clothes. Truffle cheese. Visit Matthew Watkins.

Britain in June
London - museums, art galleries, crown jewels

Wales - snowdonia cheese factory

Scotland - scotch egg, Shetland pony ride

Ireland: sweaters, pubs, Irish breakfast tea

Spain/ Portugal - iberico ham

Prague, Denmark, Sweden Norway, Germany

Holland - tulips

Switzerland: spas, chocolate

All the monty don locations (france, italy)

Monkey hot springs
Cat cafe
Escher place
Spain- Gaudi surrealist buildings
joan miro foundation - barcelona

Toronto: icebreaker merino wool.
Nunavut: sealskin furniture and outerwear.

Remember me, buy my shirts!
pop art MBZ