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Flat White Boer Ford

Flat White Boer Ford

Cucurbita maxima

Flat White Boer Ford

A heirloom from South Africa and one of the finest pie and general use pumpkins you can grow. A very decorative pumpkin as well, it is very large, ribbed, and has a beautiful, unique creamy white color. It stores for a very long time so and has dense smooth creamy sweet orange flesh that is superb for cooking and baking. Has a strong vine handle, and will easily reach 25 pounds or more. Has large seeds well suited for roasting. 115 days.
It was introduced in the seed bank of the Vavilov Institute in Russia in 1940.

Flat White Boer Ford

Flat White Boer Ford

Flat White Boer Ford

Flat White Boer Ford

Flat White Boer Ford
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